4 Tips for Catching King Mackerel

King mackerel are a tournament favorite and the thrill of going home with the trophy is an excitement that many anglers can’t resist. Because mackerel tournaments only allow competitors to weigh their largest catch of the day, winning can come down to the difference of just a few ounces. In these highly competitive tournaments, every decision you make counts. To put yourself in the best position to win, follow these tips. And don’t forget to send us a photo of your trophy!

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When Lightning Strikes: Staying Safe on Your Offshore Fishing Trip

The threat of a thunderstorm can quickly turn a fun offshore fishing trip into a frightfest. If your boat is struck by lightning, the effects can be catastrophic: blown out through-hulls, fried electronics, and possibly even death. It’s estimated that about 1000 boats are struck by lightning every year: While this may not sound significant, given the disastrous effects of lightning strikes, it’s important for every angler to be prepared in the case that they unexpectedly get stuck in a lightning storm. Learn some tips for staying safe, no matter the weather, in today’s blog.

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How to Choose the Best Line for Saltwater Fishing

Up until the 1930s, the majority of all fishing lines were made from natural fibers such as spun horsehair or silk. Luckily we have come a long way since then and there are now an abundance of fishing line materials to choose from. The type of line you choose will have a major impact on your saltwater fishing success so in today’s blog we outline the 3 most popular types of fishing line for saltwater fishing and how to choose between them.

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