Staying safe is an absolute essential when you’re out on the open water. The ocean can be a treacherous place, and when you’re fishing for big game, you could find yourself in a tight spot. Rather than leaving it up to chance, you can use these tips to optimize your fishing experience and stay safe. Are you ready to dive in? Let’s take a look.
Month: June 2016
Shark Fishing Tips for A Wild Summer
Shark fishing is a very lively sport, but it doesn’t have to be a messy one. The proper handling of sharks during and after you catch them is going to lead to a lot more fun while you’re fishing not only for you, but for the finned beasts you are hauling. Would you like to learn a bit more about the art of shark fishing? Let’s a take a look together.
Offshore Fishing Gear for Father’s Day
June 12th is a special day; it’s Father’s Day. Father’s Day is a great day to show your favorite angler how much you care by presenting him with new and amazing offshore fishing gear. After all, who was it that took you on your first fishing trip? For many people, it was their father or grandfather. Fishing is an amazing way to spend time with your father figures, so let’s find out about some awesome gift ideas for your Father’s Day offshore fishing trip. Are you ready to learn more? Here we go!