Coping with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy for Family and Caregivers

If one of your loved ones has received a diagnosis for Muscular Dystrophy, you may be feeling lost, alone, and hopeless. However, you are not alone. There are many families who are coping with this disease and together, we can cope. Finding the path to peace can be a challenge, but today we’re going to be talking about how you can take those steps. Are you ready?

Reach out to others.

You don’t have to worry about your loved one on your own. There are a great many resources for emotional support offered to families and caregivers specifically designed for families coping with a MD diagnosis. This is a very difficult situation, and choosing to suffer in silence may not be healthy. When you reach out to other families with similar experiences you can help each other overcome negative feelings. It’s important to note that everyone is going to react differently to the diagnosis, and thus, may need different coping mechanisms. Be patient with yourself and your loved ones. It may take a long time to find peace once you have a diagnosis, but it is possible. Remember, your diagnosed loved one is struggling with a lot of their own concerns about independence, life expectancy, and their future. With an open heart and the support of many, you can help them and yourself to live the best life possible.

Join the fight!

Participating in events, fundraisers, and other activities to fund Duchenne Muscular research can lift your spirits. These teams of incredible people often offer networking opportunities for you and your loved ones as well. There is no reason to fight the fight alone when you can join like-minded people in support.


Join Fishing for MD in our fight to find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy! We compete in offshore fishing tournaments to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and we work with like-minded corporate sponsors to help us reach our goals. Like us on Facebook to stay up to date on upcoming events, team member updates, and corporate sponsors. And follow us on Twitter and Google+ too to help us spread awareness about muscle disease. Interested in becoming a corporate sponsor? Please contact us to learn more about how you can reach the 60 million people that are involved in the sport fishing community while supporting a great cause.